

"Prototype, product, technology and service development"

Within the framework of the Economic Development and Innovation Operative Program (hereinafter: GINOP), the Sponsor has published a call for proposals entitled "Prototype, product, technology and service development", for which the Beneficiary registered and received support under identification number GINOP-2.1.7-15-2016-00765 got

 The project was realized with the support of the European Union, with the co-financing of the European Regional Development Fund."

AIM OF THE PROJECT: The goal of the 12-month project is for Kft. to produce 1 completely new, unique, gluten-free pasta from MULTI-component materials, in 3 types of super-food ground ingredients.

The direct goal of the project: Production and marketing of new, multi-component pastas using effective marketing tools. Compilation of a unique production line in accordance with special needs from materials coordinated with modern technological development. During the project, the development of new multi-component pastas and the solutions (software) used for their production, which has a significant impact on the industry. Development of a product composition and technology that ensures the production of various fresh "free from" bakery products.

Experimentation with a qualitative method, which helps to understand more deeply the method of pasta production, the essence of which is quality characterization, where the data are in-depth and their validity is high.

Indirect goal of the project: Promotion of healthy nutrition. The introduction of products that help the growing number of gluten-intolerant people to eat healthy on the domestic and foreign markets. Expanding the company's products and expanding the product range of gluten-free bakery products. Development of an adoptable method (know-how) for companies operating in this industry.

 TARGET GROUP OF THE PROJECT: Since celiac disease, or gluten sensitivity, which can be said to be a national disease, is becoming more and more common in our country, the number of the project's target group will increase proportionally, with which a significant market demand is likely. Thus, the target group is people who suffer from celiac disease; gluten-sensitive and allergic. Consumers for whom health awareness is important. Reforms are feeders.



Project identification number: GINOP-2.1.7-15-2016-00765

Title of the project: Development of Easy Pasta

Beneficiary nameNaturtrade Hungary Trade and Service Limited Liability Company

Amount of contracted support: HUF 112,585,000, i.e. one hundred and twelve million five hundred and eighty-five thousand HUF.

Eligible total cost: HUF 181,950,000, i.e. one hundred and eighty-one million nine hundred and fifty thousand HUF

Amount of support in percentage: 61.88 %-a.

Start date of the Project implementation period: 2017.09.01

Date of physical completion of the Project: 2018.11.30.



GINOP-2.1.7-15-2016-00765 prezentáció